There are two kinds of actors that are famous these days. One is the type that can actually act. They make you forget who you're watching. The other kind is only popular because they have charisma. They can't really act, but they're popular. They include big names, movie stars that some people would defend to their dying breath. Some of these actors have Emmys and Oscars, but I don't believe they are good actors. They are the same in every movie or TV show in which they appear. I'm not going to name who I think are the worst. Let's talk about great actors, those that become the characters they are playing. You may disagree with my picks or have some of your own to add. Let's see.
1. Johnny Depp: He has played a wide array of characters from Mad Hatter to a rum-soaked pirate and let's not forget Edward Scissorhands. He loves to play quirky characters. This guy can act. He has appeared as a young undercover cop in 21 Jump Street and a serial killer in Secret Window. He gets lost in these other characters and is amazing to watch.
1. Johnny Depp: He has played a wide array of characters from Mad Hatter to a rum-soaked pirate and let's not forget Edward Scissorhands. He loves to play quirky characters. This guy can act. He has appeared as a young undercover cop in 21 Jump Street and a serial killer in Secret Window. He gets lost in these other characters and is amazing to watch.

2. Robert Downey Jr: This guy is one of my favorites. He played Iron Man and Sherlock Holmes. When I'm watching one, I forget he played the other. I never sit there watching Sherlock Holmes and think, "Hey, that's Iron Man."
3. Val Kilmer: No one can do a better job than Val Kilmer, in my opinion. He stole my heart with his performance in Tombstone. He changed with every movie, becoming the character. His looks changed and his mannerisms. Remember when he played Jim Morrison in The Doors? Epic. And he was really cool in Willow. If I didn't see his name in the credits and know it was him, I wouldn't know it was him.
4. Harrison Ford: He was believable as Indiana Jones and Han Solo. In What Lies Beneath, he played (SPOILER ALERT) a scientist who is tunnel-focused on his work. His wife played by Michelle Pfeiffer, seems to be losing her mind. He was believable as a good husband worried about his wife. Then he morphed into sociopath, a cold-blooded killer. Plus, he's played a secret agent, the president, and various people over the years. And he's still gorgeous.
3. Val Kilmer: No one can do a better job than Val Kilmer, in my opinion. He stole my heart with his performance in Tombstone. He changed with every movie, becoming the character. His looks changed and his mannerisms. Remember when he played Jim Morrison in The Doors? Epic. And he was really cool in Willow. If I didn't see his name in the credits and know it was him, I wouldn't know it was him.
4. Harrison Ford: He was believable as Indiana Jones and Han Solo. In What Lies Beneath, he played (SPOILER ALERT) a scientist who is tunnel-focused on his work. His wife played by Michelle Pfeiffer, seems to be losing her mind. He was believable as a good husband worried about his wife. Then he morphed into sociopath, a cold-blooded killer. Plus, he's played a secret agent, the president, and various people over the years. And he's still gorgeous.
There is still number 5 to add, but there are so many that I'm not sure who should claim that spot. If you have someone you think should be on the list, add it in the comments.