Now these are my top ten personal worst moms list. I haven't seen every show out there. So if I missed one or forgot somebody, let me know. These are the ten bad moms to pop into my mind first. What do you think?
1. Peggy Biggs: This is Mike's mom from Mike & Molly. If you've never seen the show, she is a cranky, manipulative shrew. She hates Molly and doesn't try to pretend that she doesn't. In fact, I think she'd prefer it if her son lived with her forever and grew old without finding love. Peggy acts like she loves her dog more than her son. That's pretty funny.
2. Marie Barone: from Everybody Loves Raymond, this is Ray's mom. She lives across the street from Ray and his wife Debra. This location makes perfect sense because she likes to drop in whenever she wants. When Debra wants to make her husband his favorite dinner from childhood, Marie gives her the recipe. She even gives Debra the spices to make it. Of course, she has given her one wrong spice on purpose and put a fake label over the top. Marie is a genius when it comes to keeping her family in line and getting what she wants.
3. Peggy Bundy: This Peggy is on Married with Children. She has no respect for her husband and trades barbs with him in front of the kids. They seem to hate each other. I don't think she has much love for her kids either.
4. Evelyn Harper: This mom is on Two and a Half Men. She is good at twisting the knife of guilt when it comes to her two children. Her favorite thing is telling her sons what disappointments they are to her and how they ruined her figure and her life. She manipulates them into doing things they don't want. Money seems to be the number one thing on her mind.
5. Dr. Beverly Hofstader: She drops in once in a while to insult her son Leonard. I think this woman only had children so she could experiment on them and write books. She's a child psychologist and wrote the best selling "Needy Baby, Greedy Baby." LOL. Unlike some of the other mothers on this list, she always makes me laugh.
6. Frankie Heck: Some people might be surprised to see this one on the list because they love The Middle and think she's a good mom. I don't, and here's why. Frankie lies to her children more often that she tells the truth. She is delusional and comes up with crazy plans that will never work. When she finds a good parenting strategy, she quickly abandons it because she's tired. She also steals from work, and her entire family knows about it. Her kids will probably go to prison someday for stealing or killing someone during a road rage accident. If this was real life, Frankie would already be in jail for at least one of those things.
I could probably write a whole blog post on this woman and the horrible things she does. She chased her son across the yard and knocked him down because she didn't like the socks he was wearing. (He was 18 and going to graduation) She threatens a small child and endangers countless others through the series. Enough said. She's horrible and maybe I will write a whole blog post about her soon.
7. Roseanne: I saw lists of TV bad moms and Roseann's mother is on the list, but she isn't. I used to think her parenting style was funny. As an adult, I don't. Why? Because she leans towards being funny rather than being a good mom. She lets her kids do pretty much what they want when they're little. Then she wonders why they're so rebellious when they are adults.
8. Ellis Grey: This is the MC's mom, and we see her in flashbacks. She was a horrible mother. She shamed Meredith and griped at her and told Meredith that she was a disappointment to her. Ellis pushed Meredith to 'be great' and not ordinary. Loved it when McDreamy stood up for Meredith and told her mother that she IS extraordinary.
9. Beverly Goldberg: Almost forgot this one. She was the mom on The Goldbergs. This woman is so overbearing. She tries to control every single aspect of her children's lives... and succeeds most of the time. If they won't do what she wants, she writes them 18 page letters with fake tears on them.
10. This last one will have to be a shared one because there are SO many terrible TV moms, and I've run out of numbers. How about both moms on the show Mom? They are both alcoholics/drug addicts who put their children through hell. The main character hates her mother for how she raised her, but she has done the same thing to her children. She doesn't want to forgive her mom and constantly needles her for her bad choices. But then she acts shocked and hurt when her daughter treats her that way.
Anyway, that is my list. Join me for another Top Ten Tuesday next week.
1. Peggy Biggs: This is Mike's mom from Mike & Molly. If you've never seen the show, she is a cranky, manipulative shrew. She hates Molly and doesn't try to pretend that she doesn't. In fact, I think she'd prefer it if her son lived with her forever and grew old without finding love. Peggy acts like she loves her dog more than her son. That's pretty funny.
2. Marie Barone: from Everybody Loves Raymond, this is Ray's mom. She lives across the street from Ray and his wife Debra. This location makes perfect sense because she likes to drop in whenever she wants. When Debra wants to make her husband his favorite dinner from childhood, Marie gives her the recipe. She even gives Debra the spices to make it. Of course, she has given her one wrong spice on purpose and put a fake label over the top. Marie is a genius when it comes to keeping her family in line and getting what she wants.
3. Peggy Bundy: This Peggy is on Married with Children. She has no respect for her husband and trades barbs with him in front of the kids. They seem to hate each other. I don't think she has much love for her kids either.
4. Evelyn Harper: This mom is on Two and a Half Men. She is good at twisting the knife of guilt when it comes to her two children. Her favorite thing is telling her sons what disappointments they are to her and how they ruined her figure and her life. She manipulates them into doing things they don't want. Money seems to be the number one thing on her mind.
5. Dr. Beverly Hofstader: She drops in once in a while to insult her son Leonard. I think this woman only had children so she could experiment on them and write books. She's a child psychologist and wrote the best selling "Needy Baby, Greedy Baby." LOL. Unlike some of the other mothers on this list, she always makes me laugh.
6. Frankie Heck: Some people might be surprised to see this one on the list because they love The Middle and think she's a good mom. I don't, and here's why. Frankie lies to her children more often that she tells the truth. She is delusional and comes up with crazy plans that will never work. When she finds a good parenting strategy, she quickly abandons it because she's tired. She also steals from work, and her entire family knows about it. Her kids will probably go to prison someday for stealing or killing someone during a road rage accident. If this was real life, Frankie would already be in jail for at least one of those things.
I could probably write a whole blog post on this woman and the horrible things she does. She chased her son across the yard and knocked him down because she didn't like the socks he was wearing. (He was 18 and going to graduation) She threatens a small child and endangers countless others through the series. Enough said. She's horrible and maybe I will write a whole blog post about her soon.
7. Roseanne: I saw lists of TV bad moms and Roseann's mother is on the list, but she isn't. I used to think her parenting style was funny. As an adult, I don't. Why? Because she leans towards being funny rather than being a good mom. She lets her kids do pretty much what they want when they're little. Then she wonders why they're so rebellious when they are adults.
8. Ellis Grey: This is the MC's mom, and we see her in flashbacks. She was a horrible mother. She shamed Meredith and griped at her and told Meredith that she was a disappointment to her. Ellis pushed Meredith to 'be great' and not ordinary. Loved it when McDreamy stood up for Meredith and told her mother that she IS extraordinary.
9. Beverly Goldberg: Almost forgot this one. She was the mom on The Goldbergs. This woman is so overbearing. She tries to control every single aspect of her children's lives... and succeeds most of the time. If they won't do what she wants, she writes them 18 page letters with fake tears on them.
10. This last one will have to be a shared one because there are SO many terrible TV moms, and I've run out of numbers. How about both moms on the show Mom? They are both alcoholics/drug addicts who put their children through hell. The main character hates her mother for how she raised her, but she has done the same thing to her children. She doesn't want to forgive her mom and constantly needles her for her bad choices. But then she acts shocked and hurt when her daughter treats her that way.
Anyway, that is my list. Join me for another Top Ten Tuesday next week.